VIN Decoder
VIN decoder provides detailed vehicle specifications including year,make,model, trim,engine specifications, colors and more

What Is A VIN ?
VIN is an acronym for “Vehicle Identification Number. It is a unique alphanumeric code assigned by manufacturers to every vehicle, and the 17 digit code is arranged in such a way that it can give detailed vehicle information, when decoded. When a VIN is decoded it usually gives insight on the vehicles brand, body style, engine size and type, model, series, etc. You can also run a vin check using our service.
Where you can find your VIN

Here is how you can decode your VIN
- Step 1: Find your VIN
- Step 2: Enter the VIN you want to decode on the field provided above alongside your email and phone number
- Step 3: And our AI powered VIN decoder will do the VIN check and present you with the vehicle specifications and a detailed vehicle history report
What You Get After Decoding A VIN
- Find Accident records
- See The Actual mileage
- Find Auction images
- See The Theft Records
- Check For the Title Records And Owners History
- Check For Loan/Lien Records
- Check For Auction Records
- See Upcoming Maintenance Requirements
A VIN is made up of 17 characters with each character encoded for a specific information about the car.
An example of a VIN is 1HGBH41JXMN109186.
- First character: This represents the country where the vehicle was manufactured.
- Second character: This represents the manufacturer’s name.
- Third character: With this character, you can find out the vehicle’s type or division. The first three digits of a VIN number are known as the World Manufacturer Identifier or WMI.
- Fourth to eighth character: This sequence of characters tells you about a vehicle’s engine size and type, vehicle brand, model, series, and body style.
- Ninth character: The ninth character provides you with the security check digit. This single digit is used to verify the accuracy of the VIN number.
- The fourth to ninth digits are known as the Vehicle Descriptor Section or VDS.
- Tenth character: This character represents a vehicle’s model year.
- Eleventh character: This character tells you of the assembly plant where a car was produced.
- Twelfth to seventeenth character: This sequence of characters represents a vehicle’s serial number. These six digits make every single vehicle in the world different from the other.
- The tenth through seventeenth digits is known as the Vehicle Identification Section or VIS.
Here are further examples on the meaning of the various characters of a VIN, using 3 VINs as examples.
CHARACTER | DENOTATION | 2T1LR32E66C557572 | JTMRFREV1D5028137 | 5FNRL38737B050355 |
1st | Country | Canada | Japan | USA |
2nd | Manufacturer | TOYOTA | TOYOTA | HONDA |
4th | Body Type | Hatchback/liftback /notchback | Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV) | Minivan |
5th | Engine | 1ZZ-FE | 2AR-FE | J35A7 |
6th | Series | ZZE132L/ZZE13 | ASA42L/ASA44L | |
7th | Restraint | 3L /ZZE134L | ||
8th | Model | Corolla Matrix | RAV4 | Odyssey |
9th | Check Digit | 6 | 1 | 3 |
10th | Model Year | 2006 | 2013 | 2007 |
12th-17th | Serial Number | 557572 | 028137 | 050355 |
The 10th character of the VIN explains the year the vehicle was made. The table below will help you decode the year of manufacture for any VIN.
Code | Year | Code | Year | Code | Year | Code | Year | Code | Year |
A | 1980 | L | 1990 | Y | 2000 | A | 2010 | L | USA |
B | 1981 | M | 1991 | 1 | 2001 | B | 2011 | M | 2021 |
C | 1982 | N | 1992 | 2 | 2002 | C | 2012 | N | 2022 |
D | 1983 | P | 1993 | 3 | 2003 | D | 2013 | P | 2023 |
E | 1984 | R | 1994 | 4 | 2004 | E | 2014 | R | 2024 |
F | 1985 | S | 1995 | 5 | 2005 | F | 2015 | S | 2025 |
G | 1986 | T | 1996 | 6 | 2006 | G | 2016 | T | 2026 |
H | 1987 | V | 1997 | 7 | 2007 | H | 2017 | V | 2027 |
J | 1988 | W | 1998 | 8 | 2008 | J | 2018 | W | 2028 |
K | 1989 | X | 1999 | 9 | 2009 | K | 2019 | X | 2029 |